September 2022 - ID 2023 Stephen Chininis
Concept exploration project on the prompt:
Ideation Phase
Visualizing time as a quality connected to history, deleting ideas that dealt with time linearly, and connecting final concepts
Final 5 Concepts:
1) An interactive sculpture incorporating transparent layers that
tells the story of the subject behind it over time
Each screen captures a different decade
2) An exhibit introducing time as an opportunity for choice
Each topic is shown in its past, present, and possible future
3) A Single-use camera that mimics memory
The picture fades over time, with faces and details first, as our brains would forget
4) Building on concept 3, a phone accessory that, after an image fades, a new image can be taken
A smaller polaroid style that uses your phone's camera
5) Combining concepts 1 and 2, each side optically replicates a different decade
The 4th view depicts hope for a desired future: an artist's vision for a famous building or a social activist's vision for a shared future
The projector becomes an artifact itself
Scale Sketch Models